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LUA libray for serial that is easy to use

This library allows RS232 from LUA scripts.


It supports Compots COM1 to COM9. Version 1.0.1 supports upto COM255, but source needs to be built using VC express 2005.

It is possible to rebuild it.



using robot-electronics's kit:



++ Example for C

http://www.robot-electronics.co.uk/acatalog/examples.html has some code for Linux GCC serial ports, worthy of a read. http://www.robot-electronics.co.uk/htm/linux_examples.htm

rpi iic srf08.c is an example used on the raspberry pi - Ubuntu

C++ Example for Bloodshed C++ http://www.phanderson.com/tm128/dev-cpp_tm128_1.html


Robot sell some usefule modules see: http://www.robot-electronics.co.uk/acatalog/USB_I2C.html

I have combined the LINUX and Windows TCC versions to drive a MAX2719 behind an ISS. It complies using GCC on LINUX and TCC on Windows.

TCC is found at http://bellard.org/tcc/

My demo code, ( under construction ): http://www.dougrice.plus.com/dev/rpi_ser_tcc.c

Assuming buffered RS232, you send commands, wait for text to come back.

If you do a read with time out, you can wait for the text to dry up. You have to buffer the received text until you have enough to process.

It is not possible to supply a string to look for. You have to write this.

  -- flush i/P buffer
  read( number of bytes wanted, timeout )
  -- if timed out assume no new text

  repeat reads until enough text or timeout



This page talks about the issues around using the serial port on the PC.

You open the serial port as a file.

Assuming you have a device that sends RS232 when asked.

You have to receive characters by periodically by reading the file attached to the COM port.

In an event driven application, you poll for events, queue them and when you get an event, process it.

This means that you need to poll and buffer. The buffered information needs to be analysed and converted into events.

The easiest is to send line by line and send an event at the end of the line.

Thoughts on bit banging and using a software PLL

It cand be summarised as:

   wait for start of start bit
   delay 1.5 bits
   sample LSB
   delay 1 bit
   sample next bit
   repeat this until we get to enough bits

   ; process in stop bit.

In the stop bit we have time to process the sample and get ready for the next byte.

This works well enough.

However, could we do something in the bit delay.

Could we look for a 1 to 0 transition or 0 to 1 transition and phase lock loop this to adjust the delay timeout?

During the delay sample the input and totalise when it s 0 and when it it 1. We measure the PWM.

Decide if we have had a 1 to 0 and 0 to 1 transition.

 count 0's 

 count 1's

 now classify: 

 if all 1's ignore as no edge.
 if all 0's ignore as no edge.

 if _- and 0' < 1's then adjust up.
 if _- and 0' > 1's then adjust down.

 if -_ and 0' < 1's then adjust down.
 if -_ and 0' > 1's then adjust up.

 if 1's !=0's then adjust timing.

   0's       0's>1's    0's==1's   0's<1's      1's

  ignore     adjust      locked      adjust    ignore

Where it says adjust, what do we do? Consider this:








This needs further work. We could toggle + or - ve adjustments until lock acheived.

   look for edge
   if found goto very early
   look for edge
   if found goto early
   look for edge
   if found goto okay
   look for edge
   if found goto late
   look for edge
   if found goto very late

Existing example of bit banged rs232

		; spin for a start bit 
;		GOTO	RS232in		

		CALL 	Delay6 ; 1/2 bit delay for Start bit - check with MPLAB
		CALL    Delay5 ; bit delay
		movlw	8
		movwf	RSloopCnt
		ANDLW	 1<< RS232rx	; mask off bit
		ADDLW	-1<< RS232rx	; use ripple carry to move into C
		RRF		RSdata,F
		CALL	Delay5
		DECFSZ	RSloopCnt,f
		goto	RS232inL0
		COMF	RSdata,f
		MOVFW	RSdata		
		ADDLW	-0x0D
		GOTO	RSfoundCR
		ADDLW	0x0D
		CALL 	LCDwrtChar	
		MOVLW	LCDCurLeftLower
		CALL 	LCDwrtCmd	
		MOVLW	0x1E
		MOVWF	RSdell
Delay51		DECFSZ	RSdell		; 1
		GOTO	Delay51		; 2 clk
;Delay 0x0F * 3 ticks of 4Mhz ~= 45us
;		MOVLW	0x0F
		MOVLW	0x08; shorten delay as edge detector takes about 22 us
		MOVWF	RSdell
Delay61		DECFSZ	RSdell
		GOTO	Delay61

Thoughts on bit banging using AtoD

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Last edited January 6, 2015 8:15 am by Doug