[Home]DTMF Detector Using Holtek HT9170B/HT9170D DTMF Detector

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Using a Using Holtek HT9170B/HT9170D DTMF Detector

 ; dtmf001.asm
 ; PROGRAM:    Simple Parrallel to Serial to take output from 
 ;			Holtek HT9170B/HT9170D DTMF detector
 ; AUTHOR:		Doug Rice, 
 ;			doug.h.rice@btinternet.com


DataSheet: http://www.dougrice.plus.com/dev/dtmfCode/HT9170v120.pdf

PIC Assembler code: http://www.dougrice.plus.com/dev/dtmfCode/dtmf001.asm

The Holtek chip has an analogue input and outputs.

 DV - Goes high when DIGIT is detected, and low when DTMF ends.
 D0 to D3 - outputs DTMF digit code  

In 2004 , I tried to use a PIC chip to take the outputs from the DTMF detector and output the digits detected.

I was using PIC chips with 4Mhz, and could not work out how to decode DTMF using the AtoD.

Recently I have recorded the audio using Audacity and decoded the audio samples using a web page.


http://www.dougrice.plus.com/dev/UART/UART2_DTMF.htm - The webpage decodes the Audio and uses the CANVAS to plot the decode

This demo simulated DTMF detection, and used SVG graphics to plot the output of the simulation:


It should be possible to use Web Audio now.

https://homepages.plus.net/dougrice./dev/UART/micBaudotDecode.html - decodes BAUDOT, so converting to DTMF should be a few evenings work.

Sampled Audio:-

State Machine: - Spec

State Machine: - As the Testers and Windows present it


DTMF detetctor

       1209    1336    1477   1633
        |       |       |       |
 697 -- 1 -- -- 2 -- -- 3 -- -- A --
        |       |       |       | 
 770 -- 4 -- -- 5 -- -- 6 -- -- B --
        |       |       |       |
 852 -- 7 -- -- 8 -- -- 9 -- -- C --
        |       |       |       |
 941 -- * -- -- 0 -- -- # -- -- D --
        |       |       |       |


 1) sample:
	measure input using AtoD

 2) filter:
	Use A=A*M + input
	or walsh

 3) quantify: - every n ms
	scan levels.

   leak values

 4) Logic: -  are any tone detectors above a threshold?
	Which Pair are the largest
	Has pair changes since last poll?
	Output Char?

 5) serial out
	Send the digit to the serial port

Overview Tone generator

The tone generator uses the catch up call generator.

arrays of quadrature square waves using A= A + M

Every gen_ts seconds add M to A and if gen > max/2 subtract max.


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Edited July 27, 2024 6:19 am by dougrice.plus.com